Concordia Theatre Receives Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service
We can announce with great pride and honour that the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK, has been awarded to The Hinckley Concordia Association (Concordia Theatre).
This honour, which comes at a very difficult time for theatres in general, is a fitting tribute to the hard work and commitment of all our volunteers, who give their skills, talents and time freely over every area of the complex. Their work and support over the past half century has been invaluable in providing the thriving voluntary run community theatre and local community hub which we have in the centre of Hinckley. Without our volunteers, members and patrons, we simply would not be able to do what we do.
On behalf of everyone who enjoys a visit to Concordia, we thank and congratulate each and every one of our volunteers, past and present.
Our doors will re-open and our curtain will rise again, when we look forward to welcoming you all back to the experience of live theatre.